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Dec. 21, 2023

Changing Seasons: A Vocabulary Guide for English Learners

Changing Seasons: A Vocabulary Guide for English Learners

Hello my beautiful students!

Can you feel it? The seasons have changed! The gentle caress of the spring breeze, the warm embrace of the summer sun, the rustling whisper of autumn leaves, or the silent hush of winter snow? Mother Earth has a magical way of speaking to our senses as the seasons change.

For English learners, learning to express these changes not only allows them the opportunity to learn more vocabulary (there's never a bad moment for this!), but also to become even a little poetic!  

So, follow along to explore some words and adjectives to learn how to describe the changing seasons around us.

Cartoon woman in spring watering flowers

1. Spring

Vocabulary: Blossom, bud, thaw, sprout, renewal


  • Blooming: When flowers start to open.
  • Fresh: A feeling of newness in the air.
  • Mild: Not too hot, not too cold; pleasantly warm.
  • Verdant: Green, especially due to lush, growing vegetation.

Example Sentence: "The verdant meadows in spring are filled with blooming flowers, signalling the end of winter's chill."

Cartoon woman on lounge chair on the beach during summer

2. Summer

Vocabulary: Sunlight, heatwave, solstice, vacation, beach


  • Scorching: Extremely hot.
  • Luminous: Bright or shining.
  • Balmy: Pleasantly warm.
  • Lazy: Slow-moving, relaxed.

Example Sentence: "The scorching sun made the days luminous, perfect for a lazy afternoon at the beach."

Cartoon woman jumping in a pile of fall leaves

3. Autumn (or Fall)

Vocabulary: Harvest, foliage, migration, equinox, crisp


  • Golden: Having the color or shine of gold.
  • Brisk: Cool and invigorating.
  • Rustic: Related to the countryside; simple and plain.
  • Melancholic: A feeling of pensive sadness.

Example Sentence: "The golden leaves of autumn create a rustic scene, bringing a brisk and melancholic air."

Cartoon woman in winter surrounded by snowy trees

4. Winter

Vocabulary: Snowflake, frost, hibernate, blizzard, fireplace


  • Frigid: Very cold.
  • Silent: Quiet, without noise.
  • Bare: Empty or without decoration.
  • Glistening: Shiny due to a wet or icy surface.

Example Sentence: "The frigid nights, with glistening snowflakes, make winter a silent yet mesmerizing season."


Wrapping Up

Are you feeling like Shakespeare yet? The English language, with its vast array of descriptive words, allows us to touch, taste, hear, see, and smell the world around us in vibrant detail. So, the next time you feel the sun's warmth or hear the crunch of leaves underfoot, remember there's a word for that (preferably in English!). Dive deep into the sensory wonders of each season, and let your vocabulary flourish!


Happy practicing!

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